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Showing posts from August, 2023

Flutter Lints Error Solved

  Flutter Lints Error Solved Flutter lints are a set of rules that help you write better code for your Flutter apps, packages, and plugins. They are recommended by the Flutter team and the Dart community, and they can help you avoid common errors, improve performance, and follow best practices. However, if you don’t enable them properly in your project, you might encounter some errors or warnings from the Dart analyzer. In this article, I will show you how to solve one of the most common errors related to Flutter lints:  The include file package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml in /analysis_options.yaml cannot be found. What causes this error? This error occurs when you try to use the Flutter lints package in your project, but you don’t have it as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.  The Flutter lints package is a separate package from the Flutter framework, and it contains the latest set of recommended lints for Flutter projects 1 .  To use it, you need to add it as a dev dependency in